HomeArmyA Letter to My Father


A Letter to My Father — 9 Comments

  1. Dan, what a beautiful tribute to your father. Lisa and I were talking about you the other day, hoping you’re doing okay and saying how we miss your cheerful, albeit, irreverent attitude around the office. Every once in a while we start laughing when we talk about all the commercials you were in. We sure do miss you.

    • Hey, Dawn! Wonderful to hear from you. Thanks for your kind words about this post. I miss y’all, too. Please send my regards to the team. Be well and stay safe out there!!

      • You, too, Dan. Stay safe. How are the boys doing? Lisa still talks about the trip you had to South Carolina. Send Lisa and me a text the next time you are in town so we can meet for lunch with masks and all–when it is safe for all of us vulnerable folks.

        • You betcha! Boys are OK. I text with them multiple times a day, so we are in touch. Looking forward to lunch one day!

  2. Dan,
    Little did I know that a few weeks after I left my message for you, I would lose my own father. As I read over your letter to your father, I must admit that I understand your words much more deeply. I heard that someone thought that you had moved up to our neck of the woods. Is that true?

      • Hi, Dan.
        No, not in your neck of the woods. Still in central eastern part of U.S. Thanks for the Christmas wishes. Back at you with Easter now thrown in.

        Our family is still going through the firsts without our father. The hardest is yet to come with mom and what would have been their 60th wedding anniversary and his birthday after that.

        Nothing really prepares you for the ongoing sorrow, does it? I think about him all the time but can’t imagine how our mom must feel going on 80 and having to move out of the home of her dreams to a smaller house in a different state.

        My soul groans for her incredible loss and welcomes any prayers for her. We can’t even get her registered for COVID vaccines because she is in a different state. Maybe we should do a campaign with the governor of her state to get her to the top of the line. By the time we login to the COVID sites, all of the slots are taken. (sigh)

        I read the Nate mac and cheese post and smiled. He sure looks a lot older than the last time we saw him. Hard to believe it has been almost 2 years. Time flies.

        Make sure when COVID is a shadow in our minds to let us know when you come to visit our area. Lisa and I would love to have dinner.

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