“There’s no promotion like shameless self promotion.” — Col. Rich Breen
Here’s the latest from Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center and the Federal Highway Administration. I didn’t have much to do with the production of this beyond some advice and assistance, but my colleague and friend,Taylor Lochrane, did!
Please watch this if nothing else so the number of views impresses. Taylor and his team did an OUTSTANDING job on this video, particularly the use of drone footage. And by viewing this, we’ll encourage more great stuff like this.
Well done to the team and to the Saxton Lab at the Office of Operations R&D and all the labs at TFHRC for the cool research that’s happening today.
Feel free to add your own rules in the comments below.
1. One statistic can never tell the whole story.
2. A meme does not constitute an argument. It is an advertisement for a particular point of view.
3. Do not agree or disagree with anything based solely on Rule 1 or Rule 2.
4. Always seek and cite multiple original sources.
5. Life is not simple and cannot be boiled down to a catchphrase.
6. Exception to rule #5: “Life’s a bitch and then you die.”
7. Strive to be fair in your thought process. “We can never hope to be objective we can only hope to be fair.” (I am paraphrasing and I don’t recall the original source of this quote.)
8. Read “How to Lie with Statistics” by Darrel Huff.
9. Freely allow facts to get in the way of your preconceived notions.
10. Be willing to change your mind in the presence of a winning argument.
Since yesterday’s collection of various veterans was so popular, I’m going to post another bunch of pictures of people with whom I’ve served over the years and some notable friends and others I admire who served honorably. Some of these are reruns and others may not be. I’m feeling less lazy today, so I may caption these.
To all of you pictured below, to those colleagues not pictured below and to all who have served honorably, thank you!
Staff of Army Forces Central Command – Saudi Arabia in 2000. Some great Americans in this group. Loved this job.
The ORIGINAL Joint OPERATION TRIBUTE TO FREEDOM Class photo at the Pentagon’s River Entrance.
Family portrait, Dad, me and Jefferson, now a lieutenant colonel.
Dad immediately after his release from active duty, circa 1970.
Dad and Mom.
Riyadh Air Base, Saudi Arabia circa 2000.
Signal Officers Advanced Course, 1985.
Official Photo, first as a colonel, 2002.
Hank Minitrez, Shawn Woodbridge and me at Shawn’s birthday party, I think.
Me on TV as a second lieutenant.
Retired 3-star Ed Soyster and retired colonel Larry Brom during the WWII 60th.
Finance Officer Branch Qualification Course, Fort Jackson, SC in 1999
This one has a built-in caption.
Garold Holcomb, Bill Carnegie and Daryl Pooler on our way to Korea for an EXEVAL of the U.S. Army Finance Command at Yongsan.
My brother, Jefferson, with his unit in Columbus, Ohio.
A reunion of members of Southern California’s 326th Finance Group at National Harbor, MD some years ago.
Rather than post a whole bunch of useless words, I’m going to post a whole bunch of pictures of people with whom I’ve served over the years and some notable friends and others I admire who served honorably. These are all reruns, so don’t get overly excited about new content. And they’re not all captioned because I am lazy.
To all of you pictured below, to those colleagues not pictured below and to all who have served honorably, thank you.
Lt. Col. Speedman, me, Lt. Col. Stan Kensic and Master Sgt. Jeanie West.
George Lopez, me, Shawn Woodbridge and Eric “Chuckles” Harding.
Then Major Mike Downs at the Grand Canyon of the Middle East.
The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines of Joint Task Force – Los Angeles.
ROTC Advanced Camp. Some of these folks probably never made it to veteran’s status, but I’ll bet most did.
MG Anders Aadland announcing the start of OPERATION Tribute to Freedom in 2003.
The Department of Defense World War II 60th Anniversary Commemoration Committee. Click to enlarge.
Left to right: Shawn Woodbridge, Jeff Keane, Yours Truly, and Jeff’s wife, Ethel Keane. We were celebrating something or other at the Ritz Carlton’s Suinday brunch in 2003.
LTG (Retired) Ed Soyster and I at Nellis AFB outside Las Vegas in 2005.
The late Commander Bob Moran, a friend of mine.
Just ’cause he’s awesome.
Former Coast Guardsman and fellow actor Ken Parham
This is a ten-day record of the activities of a combat unit during WWII in which my father served as a young lieutenant. Always found this to be a fascinating and sobering read.